
Mercy is the rain 

When the river runs dry 

Mercy is the light 

In the dark of the night 

Mercy is the gift 

We’re given every day 

Mercy from our sins 

From our pain 

Have mercy 

Have mercy 

We all bleed 

And we all need 

A little mercy 

The mistakes we make 

And the roads we take 

Won’t look the same, but 

We all need a little mercy 

Mercy’s right there when you can’t see 

All the forest for the trees 

Mercy picks you up

When you hit your knees 

When we just can’t believe 

Have mercy 

Have mercy

We all bleed 

And we all need 

A little mercy 

The mistakes we make 

And the roads we take 

Won’t look the same, but 

We all need a little mercy 

Mercy made the laugh lines around your eyes

Mercy gives you love when you’re all alone

Mercy forgives you for being who you are 

Even when you don’t 

Have mercy 

Have mercy

We all bleed 

And we all need a little mercy 

Yeah, It ain’t too hard 

To let it be

Have mercy 

Daily Writing Tip

Pair contrast with unity to connect diverse experiences.

Contrasting while emphasizing shared needs unites individual struggles under a universal theme.

Tomorrow’s Word:


Until tomorrow, happy writing!

One Word Habit💡✍️

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