
My birth month.

A season of reflection and rebellion. 

What can I do before the year is done to make it stand out from the rest? 

My relationship with calendars and the days celebrated within them has never been the best. 

Maybe it’s because the little Jewish girl told me Santa wasn’t real on a cold playground when I was four. 

My parents handled it the best they could.

“It is true that he isn’t real, but you can believe in him as long as you want to.”

My Dad was gentle and honest.  

Giving me the option to keep believing. 

I paused and asked, “What about the tooth fairy?” 

Maybe that is why I’m constantly pushing for the truth in things. 

Because at 4, I learned that the world is made up of lies. 

Lies that we choose to celebrate. 

Lies that take time from our lives. 

Every single year. 

Valentine’s Day is for lovers? 

Cupid’s arrow?

Shouldn’t lovers love every day?

Why am I at battle with December

Because it’s here again, but this time, I have two kids who are oblivious to the lie. 

There is an absolute beauty in their belief. 

My 4-year-old worries Santa won’t make it through our chimney and demands we leave a note to use our front door. 

My two-year-old is embracing what the world is telling her as truth. 

One day, she’ll learn that her parents fed her the same lie society fed them.

The decorations, the gifts, the excuse for spending more time with family. 

These are the good sides of December. 

What if we made time for love and magic without waiting for a date on the calendar?

I wish we didn’t need to tell a lie to bring everyone together. 

I wish we marked time more often.

I wish more holidays were for honest reasons. 

I suppose I wish Santa were real.

Because December is made of magic. 

But the magic is in the memories and the moments, not the made-up stories we tell and sell. 

It’s in the truth we create when we show up for each other.

Ps - Kids know 😂

Daily Writing Tip

Use personal anecdotes to explore universal themes.

Sharing childhood memories creates a relatable entry point for discussing deeper ideas about truth, tradition, and connection.

Tomorrow’s Word:


Until tomorrow, happy writing!

One Word Habit💡✍️

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