
Freedom on two wheels.

No seatbelt, no safety net, no bullshit.

You, the road, and gravity.

Daring you to get it right.

As a kid, pure magic.
Your first taste of escape.
No rules, no curfews.
Just wind in your face and the entire world under your tires.

You fall.

You bleed.

You cry.
And then you get up because moving forward is the only option.

It doesn’t help you start.
It doesn’t pat you on the back when you make it up the hill.
It doesn’t hand out medals for showing up.
It just waits for your legs to prove that you want to move.

But when you do?
The reward is speed.
The kind that feels like flying.
The kind that makes the uphill worth it.

It’s a straight shooter.
It doesn’t let you coast unless you’ve earned it.
Honest, in a way, most things aren’t.
Doesn’t care about your excuses, bad day, or shaky balance.
It calls on your mind,
Are you ready to try again?

Humbling, too.
Because just when you think you’ve mastered it, life throws a pothole your way.
Or worse, a seven-year-old passes you on a Barbie bike with streamers.

Reality check:
It’s not about how fast you go or how cool you look doing it.
It’s only about the ride.

The climb when every muscle screams at you to stop.
The brakes you let go of
when the downhill calls.
The trust that falling won’t kill you.

Life boiled down to its essence.
Push through the pain.
Feel the wind.
Eat the dirt.
And when you fall—and you will fall—
get back up.

That’s a bike.

Daily Writing Tip

Frame the journey as the reward.

Shifting focus from the destination to the process— encourages readers to find meaning in the experience itself.

Tomorrow’s Word:


Until tomorrow, happy writing!

One Word Habit💡✍️

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